Top 10 Creepiest Legendary Monsters in the World

Top 10 Creepiest Legendary Monsters in the World

The world is teeming with nightmarish creatures that are even scarier than your mother-in-law on her bad days. Visions of horror entertained by legends and folklore all over the world.

1. The Grootslang in South Africa

This creature would be the ancestor of the elephants and the snakes which at the origin were thus only one. Too powerful, cunning and intelligent not to sow terror on Earth, the Gods would have decided, in the first sense of the term, by separating the beast into two distinct species: pachyderms on one side, snakes on the other. However, legend has it that a Grootslang managed to escape the massacre and has since survived in a cave in the Richtersveld desert in northwestern South Africa. This hideout would be connected to the ocean and would allow this creature to attack its victims in nearby rivers and some hot lakes.

2. Penanggalan in Malaysia

Not to be confused with the pangolin, another creature sadly entered into legend, the Penanggalan which means "which stands out" in Malay, is a crap that looks like a vampire but with just the head. Detached from the rest of the body, it would float in the air with its stringy viscera dangling in the wind, in search of young children or pregnant women to devour. After each feast, the Penanggalan would return to its grave to find its half, the rest of its body therefore, when the creature would be the most vulnerable: still provide a good big blowtorch!

3. The Diao si Gui in China

The Diao si Gui is one of the best-known creatures of the bestiary of monsters in Chinese folklore. These ghosts appear to humans as hanged people floating in the air, their tongues sticking out to the navel, where they once hanged themselves. Depending on the version, these creatures can chase their prey for days to convince them to kill themselves, while other legends say that it is enough to meet their gaze to want to end up at the end of a rope.

4. The Nalusa Falaya in the Southeastern United States

The American Indians were so close to nature, that they sometimes saw there creatures straight out of their worst nightmares. Like this creature half-man, half-wolf, half-ghoul (vampire woman from Arab folklore), which squatted the forests to attack the hunters of the Choctaw tribe and inject them with the "seum" which pushed them to commit crimes. evil deeds.

5. Gashadokuro in Japan

A giant skeleton that throws itself at you to nibble your head and give you a mega hickey? Do not search, it is undoubtedly a Gashadokuro in search of his dose of blood. This Japanese demon, ten times the size of a human, is said to be made from the bones of famine victims, or the bodies of soldiers abandoned on the battlefield. In short, a bad story.

6. The Yara Ma Yha Who in Australia

Do you see what a tick looks like? Well the Yara Ma Yha Who is roughly its XXL aboriginal version. A beautiful bitch of about 1m20 which clings to trees to throw itself on passers-by and pump their blood… with its claws, since it has no teeth! Her victims thus weakened would then become easy prey, which she could then devour quietly or before regurgitating them alive. The only trace of these lightning attacks: the "survivors" would be slightly smaller than before and above all, with all red skin!

7. The Ittan Momen in Japan

There is arguably no death more ridiculous than the one that occurs after being attacked by a flying roll of paper wrapped around your head to suffocate you! This predator does exist in Japanese mythology and is said to be rampant on the island of Kyüshu, the birthplace of Japanese civilization. It would even have inspired Harry Potter's Moremplis.

8. The Dullahan in Ireland

These solitary fairies would most often ride on horseback with their heads under their arms, whipping their mount with the help of a human spine. They also sometimes travel by cart, also made of bones. Each of their stops would sign the death warrant for the nearest human. According to some rumors, the Dullahans would have largely inspired the creature of Tim Burton in Sleepy Hollow.

9. La Ciguapa in the Dominican Republic

A magnificent woman with long hair who appears naked at night in the forests of the Dominican mountains, to invite strangers to have sex ... before killing them? We are certainly closer to the storyline of series Z than to the mythological creature. However, this legend exists and would be a local version of our sirens, whose fin would have been replaced by human feet mounted upside down!

10. Hanako-san in Japan

A recurring character in Japanese urban culture, Hanako-san refers to the spirit of a young girl who would haunt school toilets (yes like Mimi Whine in Harry Potter), or more exactly, the 3rd toilet door on the 3rd floor of the toilets girls from each school. It would be enough to strike 3 times asking if Hanako-San is there to summon this vengeful spirit.

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